Sunday, March 28, 2010

lady scientist

I've been thinking of putting more sketches up on here, so here you go, a quick sketch.

- Jonas

the rest of the books

After doing the first two books during the first two days, we got to choose our own assignment for the rest of the week. I had the idea to make a kind of 3D barnyard book, but I never got around to it, because I had a lot of other ideas. I made 16 books after the first two.

Many of these books are blank note and sketchbooks of different shapes and sizes.

I made five of the upper and four of the lower that fit snuggly inside the box, which once contained painkillers. The papers from the box were colored and used for decoration. They're really nice in real life :D

In addittion to these two kinds of notebooks I made two tiny books that have pages that fold out.

I found that I really like to put some kind of content inside the books so I took some stories I wrote once, set them up in Illustrator and printed them out on this nice sketchpaper. My stories have now been in print :D

Then I felt like doing something fun and I really love Batman so I made this little book.

So all in all, a really really good week. I didn't get to relax, but I had a lot of fun and got to be more creative than normal. I'll leave you with some pictures from the exhibition.

- Jonas

my little book of giant monsters - the second book

Okay, book two, 'my little book of giant monsters. I started off doing a lot of tests on style and subject matter and settled on giant monsters done in a mix of pen, watercolor and collage. This particular book was a lot of fun to do, thinking up names and jokes for each monster, as well as designing each monster. It was a great feeling to work so fast too and late into the night.

And I'll just tell you, it looks really really good in real life, it really does. I'm actually thinking about getting it printed like a proper book, just to try it. As it is, it's quite a beast to read - it's just difficult to turn the pages :D

Oh and you should know that I'm slowly uploading each page to my DeviantArt page, so use the link under the banner to check the monsters out in higher resolution.

Next up: all the other books.

i like potatoes - the first book

So this past week I've been making books. Like with the painting we did some time ago, this was a special offer, a class we don't usually have. I was planning to take it easy, relax with the books and get around to just having some fun, playing games, watching movies and reading books. Making books is, however, a lot of fun so I actually ended up spending both day and night making them.

Our first assignment was to make two books using some really thick cardboard. one accordion and one codex.

We'll start off with the accordion.

I basically just started drawing these creatures on the cardboard pages, figuring I'd find out what to make of the book later. Various details painted in with white gouache.

Then came the task of adding content, and I landed on writing small texts that could be the creatures' thoughts. The rhino-looking fellow thinks 'I like potatoes', for instance. It was a fun sollution, I thought.

See you later for book two.

- Jonas

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Did this way back on Monday, and it didn't come out the way I had planned - I messed up the red color pretty good and the underpants just didn't work in the end. I still like the design, though, especially the left hand, and I might redo it some day.

- Jonas

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Tribal Creature

Continuing on with the watercolors. Think I should have stopped before the blue background. I only had a small brush, so covering the background evenly wasn't possible. Quite happy with the 'fro, though :D

Gonna keep going.

- Jonas

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Clubs Robot

Last night I missed a CHIUstream that I shouldn't have - really wasn't happy about that, so I decided to watercolor a bit, something I haven't done in a long while. Nothing I did last night was any good, though, but I continued this morning and did this:

I really like it, and I hope to do more of this in the future.

In other news, I'm thinking of expanding my blogosphere (I think that's the word), and have more blogs, one for each creative purpose. You see, I used to write short stories, and I'd love to have a blog for that, plus one for ideas and such, just so I have somewhere to let it all out, and maybe one for projects of all sorts, games for instance, so I don't clutter up this here blog in particular. Also, I think the structure around here needs an overhaul. You'll notice that I've changed colors and such, but there's still some way to go.


- Jonas

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Election Poster

This past week the school assignment's been to make an election poster for a Danish politician. I was given the Danish prime minister. It was fun to do, the Danes in the audience should know how fun as they know more about the guy. In short: he'd never choose this poster :D

Oh, by the way, the poster reads 'time for action, time for Løkke'(his middle name).


- Jonas

Saturday, March 13, 2010

First CHIUstream in a While

Finally had the time to join another live CHIUstream. Been far too long in my opinion. Months no doubt.

Anyway, theme was creepy/cute, and here's what I did. Not the best execution, but I like the idea.

I feel good :D

- Jonas

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Few of My Favorite Works

This post is meant to be a part of a portfolio I put together when applying to a Danish school of animation, The Animation Workshop. Following is a list of links to different things like stories and some animation I've done. You might get a kick out of it, but it is meant for the people at the school.

The Shearmaster, fake advert.
3D short done 3-4 years ago for a contest. It is a better representation of my creativity than it is my ability to animate. Pay no attention to the monotonous nature of my voice.

About the Devil and Hell
Some prose poetry. Fun and somewhat satirical.

Shifting Faces.
A very short story. I tend to think of it as the idea for a longer story. The saddest thing I've written.

Death at the Diner.
A short story of the comedy genre. Death eats breakfast with Joe.

Death and Davey.
Another, longer, short story of the comedy genre. Death helps Davey with his date.

I've done more, but this is the cream of the crop, in my opinion.

- Jonas